Singing since 1914
Singing since 1914  

Who's Who

Croydon Philharmonic Choir depends on the hard work and dedication of its  committee members.  We welcome new faces and new ideas to keep the choir fresh and up-to-date.


We also welcome help from anyone who can give a little time to ensuring that everything runs smoothly - especially when we are preparing for a concert.    All assistance will be much appreciated! 

Meet the committee

Sheila Reed 


Stephen Wright  


Martin Day


Katharina Kreissig

Membership Secretary

Katrina Keel

Publicity lead

Lisa Kirk 


Karen Williams 

Concert secretary  

Rosemary Stone

Ticket Secretary

Peter Gillman

Media Lead

Officers not on committee

Sarah Rutter  


The photograph shows us singing at a concert at Fairfield Halls. We usually wear formal dress at big occasions like that.  For our summer concert the men  dispense with DJs and appear in shirt-sleeves, sometimes with a red bow tie. The women dress less formally too.

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© Croydon Philharmonic Choir