Singing since 1914
Singing since 1914  

Croydon Philharmonic Choir 

The Croydon Philharmonic Choir is the largest and longest-established choir in Croydon. We have been singing for more than 100 years and perform four concerts each year. We have around 100 members who comprise four choral sections: soprano, alto, baritone and bass.  We have an extensive repertoire, ranging from classic choral pieces to contemporary music. (Find more about our history here.)


We have an inspirational music director, David Gibson, who challenges us to bring out the best in ourselves.   We have a strong reputation for staging great concerts and sending our audiences home buzzing with excitement.



JOIN US!  We are a friendly, sociable choir and always give potential new members a warm welcome - click on the link to find out more.  And our News Page has the latest information about some exciting membership offers (click on the link).  


HEAR US!  Click on the link to go to our News Page where you can watch a film of us singing.    


SEE US!  The link takes you to our list of concerts for  2025.  


We look forward to seeing you, whether you are thinking about joining us, or would like to come to our next concert.  Either way, we promise you a great time!


We are now rehearsing hard for our traditional Christmas concert, held at St Matthew's Church (photo left) on Tuesday December 17, start 7.30pm. Entry is a bargain £15 (£5 for under 16s) which includes interval refreshment (mince pies, mulled wine) and a programme plus song sheet for the audience singalong carols.  Do come! 

If you are visiting these pages because you are interesting in singing with the choir, just come to one of our rehearsals at St Matthews, held on Tuesday evenings from 7.15pm to 9pm. Or you can get in touch via our contact form.  Just fill in your name and email and we will get back to you.  

Link to Contact page here

The photograph shows us singing at a concert at Fairfield Halls. We usually wear formal dress at big occasions like that.  For our summer concert the men  dispense with DJs and appear in shirt-sleeves, sometimes with a red bow tie. The women dress less formally too.

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© Croydon Philharmonic Choir